Head of Department: Mr. Robert Romantiezer
Mobile: +255655964371
Pharmacy Department provides high quality pharmaceutical care services to both inpatients and outpatients attending the hospital. Pharmacy department has the commitment to ensure that most essential medicines are available through effective and cost effective supply chain management including efficient and cost-effective procurement, storage, and distribution and ensuring rational dispensing of the medicines and medical device to various clients. Using a comprehensive computerized medication administration records, pharmacy department maintains a comprehensive computerized drug profile for all patients served in all pharmacies. The department also provides counseling to patients to enhance drug adherence.
Department Profile
The department provides high quality pharmaceutical care services to the patients across the hospital and ensure that most essential medicines are available through effective and cost effective.
Staff profile
The Department has a total of 8 employees comprising of 2 Pharmacist, 1 Assistant Pharmaceutical Techn. and 5other staff.
The department is organized into four operational units namely: Main drug store and Drug information Unit, NHIF Pharmacy unit, Out-patient Pharmaceutical Unit and In-patient Pharmaceutical Unit. All pharmacies in the hospital are fully computerized and utilize the GoTHOMIS system to carry out all pharmaceutical transactions. The computerized system enables pharmacy staff to locate any medicine which is out of stock in one pharmacy but is available in another pharmacy.
Main drug store and Drug information Unit
Main Drug Store ensures that all essential medicines are available in the hospital through proper procurement, inventory, storage, and distribution with assistance of a fully computerized network system. This unit procures medicines and medical supplies from Medical Stores Department (MSD) or from local suppliers of those medicines which are not available at MSD by using hospital Procurement Management Unit (PMU).
This unit is responsible for responding to pharmaceutical queries from all patients attending the hospital including hospital staff. It is also responsible for the preparation and publishing of hospital formulary as approved by the Hospital Medicines and Therapeutic Committee and to facilitate monitoring adverse drug reactions (ADR) poisoning reporting. The unit is also responsible for informing all prescribers in the hospital which medicines are available in all pharmacies across the hospital. This helps clinicians to prescribe to patients medicines which are available in the hospital and not those which are out of stock.
Outpatient Pharmaceutical Unit
The Unit comprises Outpatient Department Pharmacy, Main Dispensing Pharmacy, NHIF Pharmacy, which runs 24 hours.
In-patient Pharmaceutical Unit
The Unit provide services to the following words; Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Maternity, Emergency Medicine Department (EMD) surgical wd, Medical wd and ICU. Clinical pharmacists in this unit are integrated in the clinical management of inpatients by provide pharmaceutical advice to clinicians for proper management of inpatients.