

Sokoine Regional Referal hospital was established and opened in 1954 by Tanganyika Governor Sir. Edward Twining by then as a Southern province health centre to serve colonial army and few workers from colonial sisal plantation. In 1960 it upgraded to hospital after Lindi was made part of Mtwara Region as district. In 1964 the Hospital becomes a district hospital after Ligula hospital in Mtwara was opened. Subsequent to establishment of Lindi Region in 1971 it became Lindi regional hospital. In 1984 the hospital was named Sokoine Hospital as memorial of late Prime Minister Edward Moringe Sokoine, the name it crowned up to now.

Sokoine RRH is located in Lindi Municipal a head quarter of Lindi region, Southern Tanzania. It is regional referral hospital registerd works as a referral centre for districts hospitals and other hospitals, health centers and dispensaries in the region. The region has 6 Councils namely Lindi Municipal, Lindi District, Nachingwea, Ruangwa, Liwale and Kilwa District Councils.

The hospital also serves nearby Regions of Mtwara and Ruvuma particularly those from Tunduru district, as well as far as patients from Northern Mozambique.

Sokoine RRH is a government institution which registers in 2011 with registration no. 1075175; it was operating under President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government through Regional Commissioners’ office before shifted to Ministry of Health, Community development, gender, Elderly and Children in 2017. The hospital has well established organization structure headed by Hospital Director. The hospital relies with its external environment, management and coordination of its daily activities through Regional Referral Hospital Management Team (RRHMT) This team oversees the overall operation of the hospital.


The hospital is located in Lindi Municipal a head quarter of Lindi region, Lindi region is one the 28 Regions of Tanzania Mainland located southern part of the country. It is bounded by Indian Ocean in the East, Mtwara region in the South and West, Coast region in the North and Morogoro region to the North-West. It lies between latitude 7.55 to 10 South of Equator and longitude 36.51 to 40 east. It has an area of 67,000 square kilometers.

  • Climate

Lindi region lies in the tropical costal belt of Tanzania, therefore it experiences high temperature almost throughout the year ranging from 24.3 0C to 32 0C. The main climate is long dry season from May to October followed by a period of rainfall from November to April.


The hospital serves the catchment area of 67,000 km2 with a population of 880,286 according to year 2012 census projection.


The general OPD receives between 200  to 250 (GoTHOMIS) patients a day at different service sections.


Hospital has 12 general admitting wards, Grade one and Grade two wards, and Intensive Care Unit. The hospital has a total of 212 beds with total deliveries average of 6 – 12 per day.


Sokoine hospital was established and opened with the aim and purporses of provides primary, secondary and tertiary health services in out-patient and inpatient as well as Reproductive and Child Health (RCH).The Hospital is coordinated through its six administrative pillars namely Management and Coordination, Administration of resources, Clinical services, Outpatient services, Inpatient services and medical supportive services.